
Factoring as a growth leverage

Unlock the funds you need to grow, under the best possible conditions.

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First short term financing solution

Calculate the financing that Tresoptim can negotiate for you

  • Turn your account receivables into cash
  • More advantageous than a bank loan
  • No balance sheet restrictions
  • 100% guarantee against the risk of customer insolvency

Carry out an estimate of your financing


Subject to audit

7 900 000 £

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Use Tresoptim to leverage your negotiating power. Tresoptim represents 10 billion euros a year in receivables assigned to factoring companies.



Solutions adapted to every context

Our experience and network enable us to provide you with an optimal, non-intrusive solution to meet your needs.


Undisclosed factoring

Simple and fast financing based on the balance of your receivables. Your current organization will not be changed because you are the beneficiary of a management mandate

Simple and fast financing based on the balance of your receivables. Your current organization will not be changed becaus...

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Off-balance sheet solutions

You want to improve your cash flow as well as your financial ratios. We will support you in setting up this non-recourse financing which requires certain adjustments and validation of your Auditors.

You want to improve your cash flow as well as your financial ratios. We will support you in setting up this non-recourse...

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Classic factoring (full factoring)

Full factoring with or without credit insurance, a global financing offer based on the assignment of your customer invoices.

Full factoring with or without credit insurance, a global financing offer based on the assignment of your customer invoi...

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Reverse factoring

You want to pay your suppliers in cash to receive a discount or to build their loyalty but you do not want to impact your cash flow.

You want to pay your suppliers in cash to receive a discount or to build their loyalty but you do not want to impact you...

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Credit insurance

Secure yourself against the risk of default of your own customers and benefit from valuable information on their financial health. So you develop in full security

Secure yourself against the risk of default of your own customers and benefit from valuable information on their financi...

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Hybrid solution


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Why work with Tresoptim?

The reasons for working with Tresoptim

We identify the key points and offer you all our technical expertise for best setup.

Availability and responsiveness
Time saving
Technical expertise
Cost & Transparency
Geographical reach
Large experience in factoring companies
Customer relations & trust
Visibility of solutions
Long term support


Votre besoin est unique, nos solutions aussi Your need is unique, so are our solutions

Our expertise is recognized and valued by our clients. We help you set up a complex local and international factoring solution.

Have you already signed a factoring contract?

Benefit from better pricing and contractual conditions

Drawing up specifications

We prepare specifications that you validate before sending them to companies.


Request for Proposals

Our independence allows us to call on competition from all companies on the market.


Build the best file to receive the best decision from a credit committee

Your business is recently created and needs short-term financing to ensure its development.



Your teams are trained in operational implementation, on the website of Factor.


What if you already have a factoring contract?

Reviewing your contract with the latest market conditions

Are your contractual conditions up to date with the market? The market is constantly evolving, so benefit from advantages if your contract has started more than 1 year ago...

  • More advantageous market conditions
  • Renegotiate without affecting your relationship with the factor
  • Optimization
  • Improve your Loan-to-value ratio
  • In case of blockage, change factor with a call for tender
  • Facilitate transition from one factor to another
Contact us

Tresoptim will contact you as soon as possible.
